Dating Profile Looking For Examples

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The profile text in the above example is written for a site like, where longer profiles are the norm. For online dating sites, a good rule of thumb is keep the length of your profile down to about 300 words or less. She doesn’t have time to read a novel, and you want to leave her wanting more. Best Dating Profile Examples for Guys #1: Fantasize Together. Women want to know where you’re going. Dating a dude that’s going nowhere may have been nice during high school, but now that the women around you are all grown up they’ll want to invest in a man that has his life figured out.

Finding someone to date in the real world can definitely be challenging. Have you decided to give the world of online dating a try? There are many benefits to online dating. It can be less intimidating and you can get to know people before you decide to meet in person. In this article, we have listed plenty of dating profile headlines and profile examples.

First, you will need to find the right type of dating website. There are many different types of dating websites out there. From religious dating websites to dating websites for more casual dating, you can find the best fit for you.

Next, you will need to create your dating profile. Find a decent headshot of yourself. You should be smiling or at least look happy. The photo should also be recent. Nobody likes to feel like they were tricked because their date used a 10 year-old photo in their dating profile.

Even in the online dating world, first impressions are everything. So you will want to get people hooked. The best way to do this is through your words. The only way that you can make a great first impression is by crafting a well-written headline and profile. Sure, there are also private messages, but your profile itself will also say a lot about you that can either reel a person in or it could also go the wrong way and drive them off.

When it comes to creating your online dating profile, there are do’s and don’ts that you might want to consider following. Avoid sounding too desperate, as if you will settle for anyone. People will not be likely to find that attractive. Also avoid mentioning your previous heartbreaks or relationships. If you are afraid to get back into the dating game or having trust issues, then people will not think you are ready to date yet.

Here are some ways to make your online dating profile stand up. Try to be memorable and unique. Be yourself but avoid being negative on your profile. Remember that the goal is to attract people to you. Be honest, but remember to make your profile desirable.

Think about your personality. Are you a hopeless romantic? Are you a funny person? Think about your strongest personality traits and use that information to help you write your dating profile.

Below are examples of dating headlines and profiles that you can use. At the same time, remember to try your best to also use your own words and to put in your own details in there as well. That is what will make you stand out from everyone else in the online dating world. Wether you are using POF, Match, Tinder etc., here are plenty of headlines to choose from.

Dating Profile Headlines:

Dating profile looking for examples free

Romantic Headlines

-Are you the one?

-Can you make my dreams come true?

-Searching for my soulmate.

-Come and sweep me off my feet.

-Waiting for Prince Charming.

-In need of a true love’s kiss.

-Are we meant to be?

-Looking for love.

-On the quest for the next adventure.

-Can you make me laugh?

-Are you the girl that I’ve been searching for?

-Let’s hang out.

-Let’s get to know each other.

-Trying to find Mr./Mrs. Right.

-Ready to settle down.

-Looking for the leading lady in the movie of my life.

-On a quest for true romance.

-Take my breath away.

-Let’s fall madly in love.

-Looking for a serious relationship.

-The Romeo to your Juliet.

Funny Headlines

-Run away now, before it’s too late!

-All that and a bag of chips.

-The whole enchilada.

-Looking for the peanut butter to my jelly.

-My mom thinks I’m a great catch.

-My dog can vouch for how awesome I am.

-I am your parents’ worst nightmare.

-Someone your parents won’t hate.

-Let’s tell everyone we met on a plane to Greece.

Nerdy Headlines

-Prefers brains over brawn.

-Lets go down the rabbit hole together.

-I’m sweeter than 3.14 .

-I like big brains and I cannot lie.

Flirty Headlines

-Can you keep up with me?

-Looking for a bad boy.

-Bad boy who needs to be punished.

-Can you tame this lion?

-Let’s have a good time.

-A princess who needs to be spoiled.

-Can you satisfy me?

-Looking for a fun time.

-No strings attached.

-Let’s see where the night takes us.

-Let’s have a drink.

-The guy your parents warned you about.

-Can you afford me?

Bad Examples of Dating Profile Headlines:

There can be such a thing as a bad dating profile headline. These are the type that are too vague and will have people just scrolling past your profile. Here are some examples of bad dating profile headlines.


-What’s up?

-How does this work?

-Just looking.

-Can’t believe I’m doing this.

-Giving this another try.

-Are there any good guys on here?

-Can’t take another heartbreak.

Dating profile looking for examples women

-Will I ever find love again?

-Finding it hard to trust anyone after my last heartbreak.

-Trying to get over my last relationship.

-Have never done this before.

-Never thought I’d be desperate enough to try a dating website.

Online Dating Profile Examples:

Now that you have picked your headline, you may wonder on how to write a catching dating profile. Here are numerous samples you can choose from.

The working professional

I am a working professional who is looking for someone mature like me. You must have a job and your own place. While I take work very seriously and put in 110% at the office, I work hard and play hard. In terms of style, I am not much of a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. I always dress to impress, but on weekends I let my hair down a little more.

I cannot be with someone who does not have a job or any career aspirations. I am attracted to people who have their eye on the prize, people who know what they want and do what it takes to make things happen.

I am looking for someone who shares my goals, values, and aspirations in life. We do not need to have everything in common, but it is important to me that you are passionate about something. I want to be in a relationship with someone who thinks about the future and knows where they want to be 5, 10, and even 20 years from now. I am interested in someone who can bring out the best in me and who will always strive to be better. If you think that you can challenge me to be the best version of myself and are looking for someone who can do this for you, then let’s talk


My dog thinks I’m pretty awesome and I tend to agree. I can make people smile and love to make my friends and family laugh. I am looking for someone that I can laugh and enjoy life with. I don’t take myself too seriously and I like to dance like nobody else is there.

You might be wondering what is so special about me. Do I own more than one pair of dress pants? No. Do I still watch cartoons? Sometimes. And can I finish a whole pizza pie in one sitting if I’m hungry enough? Definitely. But here’ the important stuff. If you are the right person for me, I will always try to make you giggle and feel good about yourself.

But why now? Why am I on a dating website? For one, I am tired of bringing strangers of the streets as my plus ones to social events. And sure, I feel like I might be missing out on something as each of my friends gets married and has kids. So if you think you could settle with someone as goofy as someone like myself, give me a buzz and we can see where this goes.

The easygoing one

I am an easygoing person looking for someone who I can spend time with. Someone with a laid-back attitude and great sense of humor is the perfect fit for someone like me. I am the type of person who is very flexible and likes to go with the flow. I am always open to new experiences.

Don’t mistake my easygoing attitude for someone who doesn’t know what they like. I am looking for someone who is ready to commit to a relationship and who I can be in perfect harmony with. I want someone who likes me and accepts me for who I am and I will return the favor.

Feel free to drop me a line and let’s get this conversation started. Let’s see if we click and then take it from there.

The hopeless romantic

While I might not look like it at first glance, I will be the first person to admit that I am a sappy romantic at heart. From cheesy romantic comedy films to sleazy beach reads, I love a good love story.

My friends would describe me as a person who is loyal, generous, and nurturing to others. Anyone who knows me knows that I love watching the Bachelor. It is absolutely my favorite show.

Babies and puppies make my heart melt, but I can also be tough as nails when the situation calls for it. I might be a girly girl, but I’m also not afraid to get my hands a little dirty.

For me, the perfect relationship would be a passionate, whirlwind romance that is full of intimacy and trust. I would love to build an amazing life with the right person.

The humanitarian

As an individual who is in love with the world, I am someone who always tries to see the best in people. I am definitely an idealist who is always trying to help make the world a better place. Ideally, you think the same way as I do.

I love traveling the world and helping those who are in need. My favorite time was when my school traveled to Guatemala to help build a school in a small village. In my spare time I work in a soup kitchen and volunteer at an animal shelter. The cats are my favorite and if I could, I would take them all home with me.

My perfect date involves hiking and bringing along a picnic. Let’s team up together, get to know each other, and then work on saving the world little by little.

The adventurer

Bonjour! I am a wild card, a lover of life, and a citizen of the world who is looking for someone like me. I am looking for a person who will want to go on endless adventures and spontaneous road trips with me. For me, there is nothing quite like packing my bags, and stepping onto a plane, knowing that it will take me somewhere new.


I love taking chances. My ideal partner is an explorer like me and is open to trying new things. From trying a new cuisine to hopping on a plane, if you want to see what the world has to offer, then I’m your girl/guy.

The thrill seeker

When it comes to trying exciting new things, I’m your guy. I am an adrenaline junkie who loves to ride the craziest roller-coasters and raft down the most intense rapids. How does this translate on a personal level? In any relationship that I am in, I am passionate and I go all in. When I commit to someone, I am in it for the ride. No adventure is too small for this thrill seeker.

On first impressions, I might come off as a little intense, but at the end of the day I am really just a down to earth guy who loves to experience new things. I hate doing the same thing every day and I am always trying to learn something new.

The party animal

Life it too short to not be out having fun. You will almost never find me home sitting on my couch and watching TV on a Friday night. I like to go out and go dancing and I also love to eat at the best restaurants in town. My friends like to say that I am always the life of the party and with me, there is never a dull moment.

For me, the perfect partner can enjoy having a drink with me at the end of the night and when we feel like going out for the night, we can go dancing. I have never been one to shy away from the crowd and I love to sing karaoke, especially when it’s a fun duet. My favorite karaoke song to sing is Don’t Stop Believing by Journey. I’ve known all the words to that song since I was seven years old.

I can show you a good time and while I like to have fun, I am definitely ready to settle down and find the right person. And while you are more than welcome to try and tame me, I hope you will be attracted to my outgoing and lively personality.

The shy guy

On a Saturday night, you can usually find me curled up on the couch watching my favorite TV show. Instead of going to a bar or concert, my idea of fun is hanging out at home by myself or with my closest friends. My ideal date involves me cooking dinner, playing some Scrabble, and watching a classic movie.

While I am a bit of a homebody, I like going out too. Quiet walks in the park are my jam and I like to hang out in my favorite bookstore. The library and my neighborhood coffee shop are some of my other favorite places to hang out.

Funny Female Dating Profile Examples

When I first meet someone, I can be a little bit shy, but I come out of my shell right away when it is the right person. If I am quiet for the first time, it is because I am being observant and taking everything in. My friends would say that my best attributes are that I am a loyal and thoughtful person.

The nerd

What Am I Looking For Dating Profile Examples

I am a self-proclaimed nerd and I am proud of it. You will usually find me hanging out at the campus library. I am attracted to brains, puns, witty banter, and glasses. The perfect partner for me isn’t afraid to let their geek flag fly. Ideally you love to think outside of the box and don’t adhere to just one label. Let’s be weird together.

The religious one

For anyone to be a perfect match for me, they must be a spiritual person. My faith has guided me through much of my life and it helps me make some of the most important decisions. Faith is the biggest part of who I am and it is the bedrock on which I hope to build any relationship.

I am a very active member of my church and consider many of the people in that community to be like family to me. Singing in the choir is my favorite part of church and I have been known to belt out the songs on the radio whenever I’m in the car.


Some people do not like to write paragraphs in their dating profiles. Instead, they prefer lists. Writing a list of things about you or things that you like or don’t like is a great and easy way for other people to get a sense of who you are as an individual. Here are some examples of lists for a dating profile.

Here are 10 things you need to know about me:

  1. I love country music.
  2. My favorite TV show is Cake boss.
  3. I play the guitar.
  4. I have 2 cats.
  5. I have 2 left feet according to every dance partner that I have ever had.
  6. I am addicted to chocolate, but my favorite is milk chocolate.
  7. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
  8. Apple pie is my favorite dessert.
  9. I like to go rock climbing.
  10. My favorite thing to cook is lasagna.

5 Things that I absolutely can’t live without:

  1. Google
  2. My bike
  3. Diet Pepsi
  4. Pizza
  5. The beach

My top 5 pet peeves:

  1. Littering.
  2. Being rude to waiters.
  3. Being on the phone during dinner.
  4. Being a bad tipper.
  5. Folding pages in books.

5 things that I find attractive in a person:

  1. An ability to laugh at yourself and not take things too seriously.
  2. Enjoy great food and good wine. Will try almost anything once.
  3. Confidence.
  4. Taking charge and not waiting for things to happen.
  5. Knowing what’s going on in the world besides celebrity gossip.


These are just some examples of things that you can include in your online dating profile. Think about the examples that speak the loudest to you and use those examples to inform the writing style you use in your headline and profile.

When writing your profile, you should let people know about your personality and what you like and look for in a partner. You should also reveal if you are looking for a casual or more serious relationship. What do you like to do for fun? What are some things that would turn you off to a potential partner? These are all great things to include in your profile. At the same time, if you would prefer to keep your profile short and simple, then that is okay too.

Don’t underestimate the importance of pictures. Your profile picture should at least show your face and if you can add more pictures, try to show your whole body and some pictures of you smiling. Avoid putting up pictures with bad lighting, as well as photos where you might look creepy or intimidating. When it comes to taking good pictures, know what your good angles are.

Remember to be yourself and to not worry about finding some matches too much. When it comes to dating, whether it is online or in the real world, you have to do your best to be patient. Just try to present your best self to the rest of the world and remember no matter what happens, there are plenty of fish in the sea for you to meet.

For those seeking assistance and guidance in creating a dating profile, here are some suggestions on how to describe yourself. Learn how to attract attention with interesting details, that are sure to keep those friend requests coming…

An online dating site is an interesting portal to meet new people, and join groups with like-minded individuals. It is an opportunity to dip your feet into the dating networking pool, meant for those interested in meeting singles online. Many people may have an apprehensive approach to this idea, that with weirdos stalking these dating websites. You need to know how to separate the genuine men/women that you can get to know, from those you need to keep a good distance from.

Examples to Describe Yourself on a Dating Site

With these tips for ‘describing yourself’ online, you’ll be prepared with a profile that is equally expressive and magnetic. Here’s how you can take on examples of writing a profile for online dating, and use it to your advantage. These are helpful dating profile examples, to aid you in figuring out a way to make it inviting.

Creatively Construct Your Headline

If the website you’ve signed into, has a headline option, that is; a single line that opens up at the top of the profile page, then here’s your chance to make it eye-catching. If men/women come across your profile, that is the first thing they will notice, besides your profile picture. It gets them interested and hooks them in. If it is lame or ordinary, people tend to skip the details given further in the profile.


Dating Profile Looking For Examples Online

Here are some eye-catchy examples:

  • ‘I’m an open book; turn me one page at a time to unravel my story..’
  • ‘I’m not desperate or lonely, just adventurous enough to date online..’
  • ‘Beware: I may just be the most awesome person you’ll ever meet..’
  • ‘I’m dangerously overloaded with intellect. I can make your mind swoon..’
  • ‘Brawny and brainy..’

Be Honest/Genuine

An online dating profile speaks for who you are as a person, where those who come across it will take immediate notice. Men/women like it when someone is expressive, and open about his/her likes and interests. It makes things easier to figure out when someone seems upfront about details that you can also relate to.



Given below are examples for describing yourself for online dating, and basically being yourself.

  • Include your real name and not a made up display name.
  • Include your interests/hobbies/likes/dislikes.
  • Describe yourself in a way that people see you/how you see yourself.
  • Mention groups/activities you are a part of.
  • Put up a picture of yourself, so people can trust what they see.

If someone has an empty profile that lacks anything interesting and comes off as secretive, it’s an obvious tip-off that he/she should be avoided. They look for ways to either have a dating profile online to check people out for fun, or to play around with them and lead them on. Be careful of who you entertain, and make sure you can read the signs if someone is being too pushy about revealing information that is still private to you. If someone is being too forceful about anything, read it as a sign that they need to be deleted from your list.

Avoid Personal Details and Include Important Information

When you trust the person enough to exchange numbers, then it is advisable to give them out. Also, when meeting for the first time, choose public locations for the first couple of weeks. Be honest about what kind of partner you’re looking for, and what preferences you’d like him/her to embody. In this way you can attract those who are of similar backgrounds, and can be assured that they will fit your criteria. Make sure you also have your age displayed, to avoid an age group that you aren’t comfortable with; do not lie about your age.

Update Your Profile Often

Many of us take our profiles for granted, with a lot of details changing over a period of months and even years. Keep information like ‘single’ or ‘dating’ updated, so that people know if you’re taken or still available and looking. Things like email addresses also should be changed if necessary. Some people have a bad habit of posting old pictures of themselves, often misguiding people on the web. Keep pictures updated, and even information of your whereabouts or any new-found details about yourself (avoid putting in work/home addresses and numbers for the sake of safety.

These online dating examples will help you in arranging a profile that is sure to bring in positive feedback, provided that you are true to yourself and willing to be upfront. Just be careful of who you interact with and how much you reveal in the beginning.